


di Gianni Lannes

Prove e ancora prove sull’annientamento dell’umanità in atto da parte di una superpotenza a fine corsa – gli Stati Uniti d’America - che nel suo delirio di "onnipotenza" e in evidente declino morale, etico, sociale, culturale, antropologico, politico ed economico sta distruggendo il mondo per ridurlo in schiavitù, seminando malattie e morte dal cielo. Tornano d'attualità i moniti del presidente uscente Dwight Eisenhower (un generale), sul "pericolo" per la democrazia rappresentato dal complesso militar-industriale" e sul discorso di Kennedy relativo alle società segrete.

Gendarmi per conto terzi del NWO, che si arrogano il diritto” di militarizzare anche lo Spazio attorno al pianeta Terra. Basta leggere attentamente i documenti militari dello zio Sam per toccare con mano questa follia generalizzata da arrestare al più presto.



bibliografia utile:

World Meteorological Organization, “Expert Team on Weather Modification”
Anthony Morrison, Steven Siems, Michael Manton, Alex Nazarov, John Denholm, Roger Stone, “AN OVERVIEW OF CURRENT CLOUD SEEDING RESEARCH IN AUSTRALIA AND AN ANALYSIS OF THE TASMANIAN CLOUD SEEDING OPERATIONS FROM 1964 TO 2005” in World Meteorological Organization and World Weather Research Programme, Ninth WMO Scientific Conference on Weather Modification (Antalya, Turkey, 22-24 October 2007), WMP No. 44, Geneva: United Nations 

BBC News Online, “Australia floods: Brisbane braces for surge”, 11 January, 2011 

BBC News Online, “Rain-making link to killer floods,” 30 August, 2001 

John Vidal and Helen Weinstein, “RAF rainmakers ‘caused 1952 flood’,” Guardian, 30 August, 2001, and Sally Pook, “Deadly flood blamed on RAF rainmakers,” Telegraph, 31 August, 2001
Defence Science and Technology Laboratory (Ministry of Defence (UK)), Annual Report and Accounts 2009/10, London: MoD 

New Zealand Parliament, “8. Aerial Spraying—Petition and Submissions”, Parliamentary Debates (Hansard) for Tuesday, 15 June 2010 

A. Carleton, D.J. Travis, K. Master, S. Vezhapparambu, ‘Composite Atmospheric Environments of Jet Contrail Outbreaks for the United States’, American Meteorological Society, Vol. 47, May, 2008; S. Dietmuller, M. Ponater, R. Sausen, K-P. Hoinka, and S. Pechtl, ‘Contrails, Natural Clouds, and Diurnal Temperature Range’, American Meteorological Society, Vol. 21, October 2008

Col. Tamzy J. House, Lt. Col. James B. Near, Jr., LTC William B. Shields, Maj. Ronald J. Celentano, Maj. David M. Husband, Maj. Ann E. Mercer, Maj. James E. Pugh, ‘Weather as a Force Multiplier: Owning the Weather in 2025’, Air Force 2025, August 1996 

Air Force Materiel Command and Air Force Phillips Laboratory, ‘FY97 Geophysics Technology Area Plan’, 1 May 1996, Ohio: Wright-Patterson Air Force Base 

William Thomas, ‘Chemtrails in the Sky and the New Microbes’, Consumer Health, Vol. 23, issue 7, July, 2000

William Scott Bell (Maj.), ‘Commercial Eyes in Space’, Center for Strategy and Technology, Air War College, March, 2008, p. 7

Anthony Morrison, Steven Siems, Michael Manton, Alex Nazarov, John Denholm, Roger Stone, ‘An overview of current cloud seeding research in Australia and an analysis of the Tasmanian cloud seeding operations from 1964 to 2005’ in World Meteorological Organization and World Weather Research Programme, Ninth WMO Scientific Conference on Weather Modification (Antalya, Turkey, 22-24 October 2007), WMP No. 44, Geneva: United Nations

Defence Science and Technology Laboratory (Ministry of Defence (UK)), Annual Report and Accounts 2009/10, London: MoD

Dennis Kucinich, ‘The Space Preservation Act (2001)’, United States Library of Congress, HR 2977 IH, 1st Session, 2 October, 2001

William Cohen, ‘Cohen address 4/28 at Conference on Terrorism: Weapons of Mass Destruction, and U.S. Strategy’, University of Georgia, 28 April 1997

Gordon J.F. MacDonald, ‘How To Wreck the Environment’, in Nigel Calder (ed.), Unless Peace Comes, (London: Penguin,1968,) pp. 177-8
United States Air Force, ‘Department of Defense Weather Programmes’, no date, circa 1999, Section 3

Arnold A. Barnes, ‘Weather Modification: Test Technology Symposium ’97: Session B: Advanced Weapons/Instrumentation Technologies’, Air Force Materiel Command, 19 March 1997

G.T. Best and H.S. Hoffan, ‘The initial behavior of high altitude barium releases - I. The particulate ring’, Journal of Atmospheric and Terrestrial Physics, Vol. 36, issue 9, 1974

Bernard J. Eastlund, ‘United States Patent 4,686,605’, United States Patent Office, 11 August, 1987

Nick Begich and Jeanne Manning, Angels Don’t Play This HAARP, (Anchorage: Earthpulse Press, 2007) (seventh edition)

Maj Britt Theorin (Rapporteur), ‘Report on the environment, security and foreign policy’, Committee on Foreign Affairs, Security and Defence Policy, European Parliament, 14 January, 1999, A4-0005/99, DOC_EN\RR\370\370003 PE 227.710/fin

SPACECAST 2020, ‘Space weather support for communications’, no date, circa 1994

Ministry of Defence, ‘Strategic Trends Programme: Out to 2040’, 4 February, 2010 (fourth edition), London: MoD, p. 156

US Space Command, ‘Vision for 2020’, February, 1997

Armin Grunwald, ‘Nanotechnology – A New Field of Ethical Inquiry?’, Science and Engineering Ethics, No. 11, 2005, pp. 187-201

Dennis M. Bushnell, ‘Future Strategic Issues/Future Warfare [Circa 2025]’, NASA Langley Research Center, undated circa 2001, archived by the Federation of American Scientist

Ministry of Defence, ‘Strategic Trends Programme: 2007-2036’, 23 January, 2007 (third edition), pp. 62-3
See, for instance, Antony Barnett, ‘Millions were in germ war tests’, The Observer, 21 April, 2002

Neil Davison, ‘ “Off the Rocker” and “On the Floor”: The Continued Development of Biochemical Incapacitating Weapons’, Bradford Disarmament Research Centre (BDRC), Department of Peace Studies, Bradford Science and Technology Report No. 8, August, 2007, Bradford: University of Bradford, pp. 5-17

‘Don’t Talk About the Weather’, 2008, Ill Eagle Films.

4 commenti:

  1. Anonimo12/01/2013

    Il documento "Owning The Weather in 2025 è reperibile qui

    Gianni, forse hai già questo link, cancellato dalla rete ma ancora disponibile negli Archivi Web

  2. Anonimo12/01/2013

    Scusa, quel link dal web archive lo avevi già pubblicato...

  3. Anonimo12/01/2013

    Il link [] è stato cancellato e punta qui

  4. Anonimo2/06/2014

    Tutte le strade portano a Roma .... Visionate su you tube: Chemtrails controlled by Jesuits & Knights of Malta ! Proof in video - Informatevi sulla pagina internet : connessionecoscientewordpress(punto)com per ottenere un quadro più preciso sulla Matrix Globale:


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